PC Media Antivirus 2.0b


New Release May 9, 2009

Kill all Brontok virus, Conficker and all its varian without damaging Operating System and yours files


a. Improved! Added a database and virus cleaning 60 local / foreign / new variants have been spread. Total 2720 virus with variannya, including virus Conficker sophisticated, a lot of outstanding and has been known in this version 2.0b by core engine PCMAV.

b. BuG fixed! In the previous version of RTP running less perfect in Windows XP / Vista, which in some cases to result in some applications can not run perfectly.

c. BuG fixed! Routine scan memory does not fail again in detecting some types of script viruses.

d. BuG fixed! Heuristic engine is now more accurate in detecting the suspected file.

e. NEW! Additional advanced heuristic engine that can detect polymorphic variants of the virus spread much.

f. BuG fixed! Scan through the right-click “Scan with PCMAV” can now be integrated in Vista without problems.

g. Improved! Display splash screen Realtime Cleaner and Protector.

h. BuG fixed! Error detection (false alarm) heuristik on some programs and scripts.

i. Updated! README.TXT

j. Improved! Several name changes the virus has found a new variant.

k. Improved! Some minor improvements and bug improvised code to ensure that internal PCMAV can still be pride.

Here is the complete list of folders and files (8 files) from the package program antivirus PCMAV 2.0b:

* README.TXT – The file you are reading at this time
* PCMAV-CLN.EXE – Program Cleaner
* PCMAV-RTP.EXE – Realtime Protector Program
* \ Vdb – Folder and main virus database update
pcmav.vdb – main virus database file
* \ Lib – Folder support library
iscan.dll – File ClamAV support
rtpmain.exe – support Realtime File Protector
rtpscan.dll – support Realtime File Protector
rtpsvc.exe – support Realtime File Protector

Processor: Pentium
RAM: 256 MB
Operating systems: – Windows XP 32-bit
– Window Vista 32-bit
– Windows 7 32-bit

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